If you know the provider's NBCC-assigned ACEP number or ACEP name, you can enter it below.
Select the state to search by from the dropdown.
The following organizations are no longer NBCC Approved Continuing Education Providers (ACEPs) and are not authorized to offer NBCC continuing education credit using their former ACEP number.
Provider Name |
2 Steps Forward Training and Consulting |
A Better Way Counseling Ctr |
A Child's Voice Inc |
A Plus Seminar Services |
A.D.D. Plus |
AAR Services |
ABC Counseling, PLLC |
ABC University |
Abel Screening, Inc. |
Abide Network |
Absolutions Counseling Center, Inc. |
Acacia Wellness Center |
Academy for Guided Imagery, Inc |
Academy of Addictions Treatment Professionals (AATP) |
Academy of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery |
Access CEU |
ACRN/National Training Support Center (NTSC) |
Adagio Center, Inc. |
Adawehi Institute |
ADD Resources |
Addiction & Recovery Concepts |
Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) National Office |
Adelphi University Institute for Parenting |
Adler School of Professional Psychology |
Adoption Exchange |
Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy |
Advanced Clinical Trainers |
Advanced Clinical Training Institute |
Advanced Diagnostics |
Advanced Seminars.Net |
Advantage Behavioral Health Systems, Inc |
AdvantEdge Success Coaching |
Adventurehaven Center for Eating Disorders Education & Recovery |
Adventures in Teaching and Counseling |
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital |
AEquanimitas Foundation |
Affect Plus |
aha! Process, Inc. |
AHEC of Eastern Washington |
Aiken Barnwell Mental Health |
Airborne Ecstasy, LLC |
Alabama A&M University |
Alabama Alcohol and Drug Abuse Assn (AADAA) |
Alabama Coalition Against Rape (ACAR) |
Alabama Council of Community Mental Health Boards |
Alabama Council on Child Abuse |
Alabama Counseling Institute |
Alabama Dept of Mental Health & Mental Retardation |
Alabama Hospice Organization |
Alabama State University |
Alabama Therapy Associates |
Alaska Counseling Assn (AKCA) |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Albertson College of Idaho |
Alexandria Associates |
Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital |
Alfred Adler Institute of Fort Wayne, Inc. |
All Faiths Receiving Home |
All Seasons Mental Health |
AllCEUs.com |
Allen Trainers |
Allergy and Asthma Network |
Allied Health Options, Inc. |
Alternative Interventions, Inc. |
Alternative Opportunities |
Alternatives Unlimited |
Alvernia University |
Amedco, LLC |
Amen Clinic for Behavioral Medicine, Inc. |
American Academy of Forensic Counseling |
American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysis |
American Academy of Pain Management |
American Academy of Psychotherapists |
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy - Hawaii Division (AAMFT - Hawaii) |
American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) |
American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) |
American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE) |
American College of Forensic Examiners Institute (ACFEI) |
American College Personnel Association (ACPA) |
American College Testing (ACT) SE |
American College Testing Program |
American Guild of English Handbell Ringers |
American Healthcare Institute, Inc |
American Hospice Foundation |
American Imagery Institute |
American Institute of Medical Education |
American International College |
American Music Therapy Association |
American Orthopsychiatric Association |
American Psychiatric Partners, Inc. |
American Psychological Assn (APA) Ofc of Continuing Ed |
American Red Cross (ARC) - Mental Health |
American Rehab Counseling Assn (ARCA) |
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) |
American Schools Association |
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Education & Research Foundation |
American Society on Aging |
Amiga Center for Professional Development, Inc. |
Amrit Yoga Institute |
AMTA - Great Lakes Region |
AMTA - Mid-Atlantic Region |
AMTA - Mid-Western Region |
AMTA - New England Region |
AMTA - Southeastern Region |
AMTA - Southwestern Region |
AMTA - Western Region |
Anderson and Luna |
Andrews University |
Ann Arbor Public Sch Staff Dev |
Anna Maria College Inst. For Music & Consciousness |
Anthony J. Siracusa |
Antioch Univ |
Antioch University - Seattle |
Appelbaum Training Institute |
Arbour Health System |
Arcadia University |
Argosy Univ--Dallas |
Argosy University - Denver |
Argosy University - Nashville, Dept of Counselor Ed |
Argosy University, Counseling/Psychology |
Argosy University, Phoenix- Clinical Mental Health Counseling Department |
Argosy Univ--Washington, DC |
Arizona Brief Therapy Institute |
Arizona Group Psychotherapy Society |
Arizona's Children Association |
Arkansas State Univ |
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) |
Art Therapy Consulting Services, LLC |
Arts in Health Institute |
Asheville Center for Group and Family Therapy |
Ashland School of Hypnotherapy |
Asociacion Puertorriquena de Consejeria Profesional |
Aspire Counseling |
Assabet Valley Collaborative |
Assertive Community Treatment Association, Inc. |
Assertive Community Treatment Association, Inc. (ACTA) |
Assn for Ambulatory Beh. Health Care |
Assn for Death Education and Counseling |
Assn for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Issues in Counseling (AGLBIC) |
Assn for Research and Enlightenment |
Assn for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis (AAP) |
Assn of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs |
Association for Death Education and Counseling |
Association for Humanistic Psychology (AHP) |
Association for Multi-Cultural Coun and Dev (AMCD) |
Association for Psychological Type International |
Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy (AAGT) |
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) |
Association of Mormon Counselors and Psychotherapists (AMCAP) |
At Health |
At Health, Inc |
Atascadero State Hospital |
Atlanta Divorce Mediators, Inc./Justice Center of Atlanta Inc |
Atlantic University |
Auburn University |
Auburn University - Montgemery, Center for Life Long Learning |
Augusta State Univ |
Aurora Behavioral Health Svcs |
Austin Peay State Univ |
Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors |
Avila University |
Awake Mind, LLC |
Awakening Change Counseling Services LLC |
AZ Rhythm Connection |
Azusa Pacific Univ |
Ball State Univ |
Baltimore City Public Sch |
BANNER Consulting |
Baptist Health - Corbin |
Baptist Health Systems |
Bartlesville ISD #30 |
Behavior OnLine |
Behavioral Health Consultants Group, Inc. |
Behavioral Health Svcs., Advocate IL Masonic Med. Ctr. |
Behavioral Healthcare Ctr. @ Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital |
Behavioral Medicine Research & Training Foundation |
Bellevue University |
Ben Caldwell Labs Inc |
Ben Franklin Institute |
Beneficial Film Guides, Inc. |
Benjamin Rose Institute of Aging |
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging |
Bereavement Services/RTS |
Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth |
Berry College |
Bethesda Family Services Foundation, Inc. |
Bethlehem Counseling Associates, P.C. |
Big Bend Hospice |
BJC Behavioral Health |
Blessing Affiliates, Inc. |
BLF Management, Ltd. |
Blue Basin, Inc |
Blue Moon Mending |
Blue Moon Seminars, Inc. |
Blue Ridge AHEC |
Blue Swallow Counseling Innovations, PLLC |
Bonnie Lee Bryant, PhD |
Boston Career Link |
Boston College |
Boston University |
Boston Univ--Institute for Geriatric Social Work |
Bowie State College |
Bowie State Univ/Univ of Maryland Univ College--Asia |
Bowling Green State Univ |
Boyer College of Music and Dance, Temple University |
Bradford Health Services |
Bradley T. Erford |
Bradley University |
Brain Injury Association of Connecticut |
Brandeis Univ Genetic Counseling Program |
Brattleboro Retreat |
Brave Space, LLC |
Breining Inst--College for the Advanced Study of Addictive Disorders |
Brief Therapy & Family Counseling Center |
Brief Therapy Institute of Pennsylvania (BTI) |
Brigham Young University - Counseling Psychology & Special Education |
Brighter Futures Counseling, PLLC |
Brook Mays Keyboard |
Brookdale Community College |
Bruce J. Spencer, PhD |
Bryan Consulting and Training, Inc (BCT) |
BTTI (Biofeedback Therapy Training Inst.) |
Building Healthy Relationships, LLC |
Bully Safe Schools |
Burrell Behavioral Health |
Butler University |
Byron Katie International, Inc. |
C.G. Jung Center for Professional Devel. |
C.G. Jung Society of West Jersey |
CADA School of Addiction and Behavioral Health |
Caddo Parish School System |
Calcasieu Parrish School Board |
California Assn of Marriage & Family Therapists (AMFT) |
California Assn of School Counselors, Inc. |
California Counseling Assn |
California Family Study Center 23 |
California Institute of Integral Studies |
California Polytechnic State Univ |
California State Univ |
California State Univ |
California State Univ - Los Angeles |
California State Univ - Northridge |
California State Univ - Sacramento |
California State Univ - San Bernadino |
Calvert County Health Dept., Crisis Intervention Center |
Calvert Hospice |
Cambridge College |
Cambridge College--Springfield Campus |
Cambridge College--Springfield Campus |
Camden County College |
Canisius College - Department of Counseling & Human Services |
Capital Area Intermediate Unit (CAIU) |
Cardinal Care Center, PLLC |
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions |
Care and Counseling |
Care Center, Inc. |
Career Assessment Center, Inc. |
Career Council Inc./National Hispanic College Fairs Inc. |
Career Counselors' Consortium |
Career Development Leadership Alliance |
Career Planning & Adult Development Network |
Career Planning Academy |
Career Resource Center |
Caregivers Project |
Caribbean Counselors Assn |
Carolina House |
Caroline M. Myss, PhD |
CASA--Natl. Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse at Columbia Univ |
Catalyst Behavioral Health |
Catherine L Waltz, PhD, LCSW |
Catholic Charities Counseling & Substance Abuse Prgrm |
Catholic Charities of Trenton |
Catholic Charities USA |
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen |
Catholic Services of Macomb |
Catholic Univ of Puerto Rico |
CDR Associates |
CE 4 Therapists |
CEmobile, LLC |
CE-NOW.com |
Centennial Area Health Education Center (AHEC) |
Center for Advanced Clinical Development |
Center for Applications of Psychological Type |
Center for Body Oriented Psychotherapy in Boston |
Center for Brain Health at The University of Texas at Dallas |
Center for Children, Inc. |
Center for Emotional Restructuring |
Center for Family Services |
Center for Gestalt Development Inc. |
Center for Healing & Conflict Resolution |
Center for Human Development |
Center for Inner Healing and Wellness |
Center for Integrative Therapy, LLC |
Center for Matrix Therapy |
Center for Mediation and Training |
Center for Music Therapy in End of Life Care |
Center for Reality Therapy |
Center for Relational Care |
Center for Training, Education and Credentialing, LLC |
Center for Transpersonal Resources |
Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies |
Center of Relationship Enhancement |
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) |
Central Carolina Technical College |
Central Connecticut State Univ |
Central Michigan Univ |
Central Piedmont Community College |
Central State Univ |
Central Washington University |
Certified Board for Music Therapists |
CETI - Continuing Education Training Institute |
CEU Library, LLC |
CEU Masters |
CEU-Hours.com, LLC |
CEUs at Leisure/Institute for Professional Competency/President's Preference |
CEUTV (Schemata, LLC) |
CEU-USA.com/Thomas O. Whitehead |
CFG Health Network |
Chadron State College |
Chadwick Ctr for Children & Families, Rady Children's Hosp |
Chandler Bay Resources |
Chapman Univ |
Chapman Univ |
Chapman Univ |
Charter Behavioral Health System at Cove Forge |
Charter Mobile |
Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority - Analenisgi |
Chestnut Hill College |
Chicago Public Schools |
Chicago State Univ |
Children's Home of Cincinnati's Training Institute |
Chopra Center for Well-Being |
Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) |
Christian Counseling CEU (CCCEU) |
Christian Counselors of Texas (CCT) |
Christian Society for the Healing of Dissociative Disorders |
Christie School |
Christopher J. Alexander & Associates |
Circle of Care, Inc. |
Citadel Military College of South Carolina - Continuing Education Department |
City University |
City University of Seattle - School of Arts and Sciences |
Claudja, Inc. |
Clear View Psychological Services |
Clemson University |
Clergy Leadership Institute |
Cleveland Center for Cognitive Therapy |
Cleveland State Univ |
Clinical Addiction Resrch and Educ Unit, Boston Univ Sch of Medicine |
Clinical Tools, Inc. |
Clyde Lewis, MHR, JD |
CM Home Study |
Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring Services (CCMS), Inc. |
Coastal Carolina Univ., Div. of Extended Learning & Public Service |
Cognitive Therapeutics |
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Center of Western North Carolina, P.A. |
Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma |
Collaborative Growth |
Collaborative Medical Education Inst. (CMEI) |
College Board Southwestern |
College of DuPage, Human Services Program |
College of Lake County |
College of New Rochelle - Graduate School |
College of Saint Rose - Counseling/CSSA |
College of St Thomas |
College of William & Mary |
College Survival/Houghton Mifflin |
CollegeWeekLive |
Collegiate Conferences |
Colorado Christian University |
Colorado Counseling Association (CCA) |
Colorado Professional Development Center (CPDC) |
Colorado School for Family Therapy |
Colorado State Univ |
Columbia St. Mary's (Behavioral Medicine Dept.) |
Columbus State University |
Common Boundary, Inc. |
Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) |
Community Behavioral Healthcare Assn of Illinois |
Community College of Allegheny County |
Community Counseling Center |
Community Mediation Services Inc |
Community Partners Education & Research Alliance (CPERA) |
Community Youth Network, Inc |
Compact Clinicals |
CompassPoint Addiction Foundation |
Confer |
Connecticut Dept. of Soc. Svcs--Bureau of Rehab. Svcs. |
Connecticut Music Therapy Services, LLC |
Consolidated Continuing Education & Professional Training (CONCEPT) |
ConstantEdu |
Consultations |
Consulting Psychologists Press |
Continuing Educ Assn of the Southeast |
Continuing Education Partners |
Continuing Education Productions, Inc. |
Continuing Education Resources (CER) |
Continuing Education Services, Inc. (C.E.S.I.) |
Continuing Education University for You (CEU4U) |
Convening |
Conway Hunter, MD |
Co-Occurring Disorders Institute Inc |
Cooperative Education Association |
Cooperative Health |
Cooperative Parenting Institute |
Core Learning Inc |
Core Values Counseling, LLC |
Cornell Univ |
Cornerstone Counseling Services, LLC |
Cornerstone Professional Training Institute |
Corp. Found. for Children & FACTS (Family & Child Training System) |
Corporate Univ of Providence (CUP): Providence Service Organization |
Cottonwood de Tucson |
Counseling and Psychological Services Center |
Counseling Associates, Inc. |
Counseling Center of Boise |
Counseling Outfitters |
Counseling Psychology Prog, Univ of MD - College Park |
CounselingCEUsOnline |
Counselors Comprehensive Workshop Inc |
COURAGEworks |
Covenant Counseling and Education Center |
CPP, Inc. |
CPS Seminars |
Crawford & Company |
Creative Classrooms Inc. |
Creative Learning Enterprises, Inc. |
Creative Thought Seminars |
Creighton Univ |
Criminal Justice Addiction Services |
Crisis Center, Inc. |
Crisis Prevention Institute |
Cross Country Education, LLC |
CrossRoads Counseling Services |
Cumberland County School System |
Cumberland Heights |
D&S Associates |
Daley and Turowski Professional Counselors Consulting |
Dallas Children's Advocacy Center |
Dancing Moose Productions |
Danya International, Inc. |
Darkness to Light |
Data Trace Publishing Company |
DBT Wise |
DCH Employee Assistance Program |
Deborah Spiegel |
DeKalb Medical Center - Behavioral Health Services |
Delaware Counseling Assn |
Delaware Valley Partners in Healthcare Assn. |
Department of Social Services (DSS) of Mecklenberg County (Charlotte) |
Dept. of Mental Health - Division of Professional Development |
Des Moines Public Schools |
Development Laboratories |
Devereux Arizona |
Dialogue House Associates, Inc. |
Diana D. Snow |
Digitalceu.com |
Dirigible CE |
Dissoc. Disord. Annual Training Series |
Distance Learning Network, Inc. |
Dr David Schell |
Dr. Karen McCleskey, LPC |
Dr. Karla |
Dr. Marta Garrett |
Dr. Robert "Bo" Grice |
Drake Univ |
Drexel University's Hahnemann Creative Arts in Therapy |
Duke Child and Family Study Center |
Dupont Center, Corp. |
Duquesne University, Department of Counseling, Psychology and Special Education |
Dynamic Workforce Solutions (dba Dynamic Works Institute) |
E.C. Hurley, PhD |
East Alabama Mental Health/Mental Retardation Center |
East Central Oklahoma State Univ |
East Lake Hospital |
Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers (EACE) |
Eastern Illinois University, Dept of Counseling & Student Development |
Eastern Michigan Univ |
Eastern New Mexico University - Educational Studies Department |
Eastern University |
Eastern Washington Univ |
Ed D. Lauritsen |
Ed4Online, LLC |
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania - Department of Professional Studies |
Edison Court, Inc. |
Educational Gerontology |
Educational Success Concepts, LLC |
Ekern Enterprises, Inc. |
eLearning Essentials |
Elements Behavioral Health |
Elite Consulting Unlimited |
Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center |
Elon University Department of Human Services Studies |
Elvis Lester, MA, LMHC, NCC, MAC |
Emporia State Univ |
Empower Innovations |
EmPOWERment Training & Consulting Group |
End Violence Against Women (EVAW) International |
eNetwork for Advanced Training in Psychotherapy (eNATP) |
Enneagram Resources, Inc. |
Episteme Ventures, Inc. |
e-Psynergy, Inc. |
Equipping Ministries International |
ESC Region 11 |
Essence: Counseling and Supervision |
Essential Partners |
Esteem Therapeutics |
Europe Regional Medical Command (ERMC) Conference Admin. |
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare |
Evelyn M Duesbury, NCC, DCC, LPC |
Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling |
Evergreen Counseling Services |
Evidence-Based Practice Institute LLC |
Expanded Children's Services of Western New York |
ExplorePsych.com |
Expressive Media, Inc. |
Expressive Therapy Concepts, Inc. |
FACES Conferences, Inc |
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Dept of Psychology |
Family and Children's Agency, Inc |
Family Care for Children & Youth, Inc. |
Family Counseling Service of Tuscaloosa County |
Family Information Services |
Family Institute of Cambridge |
Family Institute of Maine/Sweetzer Institute |
Family Institute of Philadelphia |
Family Institute of Westchester |
Family Institute, Inc. |
Family Intervention Services, Inc. |
Family Kaleidoscope |
Family Life Services |
Family Service Assn |
Family Services Center |
Family Solutions, PLLC |
Family Therapy & Recovery P.S. |
Family Therapy Inst Midwest (FTI-Midwest) |
Family Therapy Institute of Provident |
Family Therapy Institute of Southern New Hampshire |
Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C., Inc. |
Family Therapy Practice Center |
Family Therapy/Play Therapy Institute |
Faulkner University |
Federation Employment & Guidance Svcs |
Fellowship Health Resources |
Fielding Graduate Institute |
FinancialPsychologyCeus.com |
Firefly Institute for Research and Education |
Fireside Forensic Services |
First at Blue Ridge |
Fitchburg State University, Graduate Counseling Program - Behavioral Sciences |
Flagship Speakers and Services |
Flashceus.com |
FLLAC Educational Collaborative |
Florida A&M Univ |
Florida Assn for Music Therapy |
Florida Certification Board (Southern Coast ATTC) |
Florida Hypnosis and Counseling Center, Inc. |
Florida International University Department of Counseling, Recreation and School Psychology |
Florida State Univ |
Fordham University Graduate School of Education- Psychological and Educational Services/Counseling and Counseling Psychology |
Forest Institute of Professional Psychology |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Foundation for Contemporary Mental Health |
Foundations Community Partnership |
Foundations for Successful Relationships |
Foundations Recovery Network |
Foundations Training and Consulting, Inc |
Franciscan Life Process Center |
Frederick Memorial Hospital |
Friends Hospital |
Frisch-Hara Music Therapy Studio |
Ft. Hays State Univ |
Full-Spectrum Living |
Gaine Institute |
Garrett College |
Gary L. Lemmon & Associates |
Gaston County Schools |
Gateway Productions |
Gateway Rehabilitation Center |
Gentle Reprocessing Resources LLC |
George DuWors, LCSW, BCD |
George Essif, Jr. |
George Mason Univ |
George Washington Univ |
George Williams College |
GeorgetownUniversity Center for Child and Human Development |
Georgia College & State University |
Georgia Counseling Assn |
Georgia Regents University - Counselor Education, Leadership & Research |
Georgia State University |
Georgia State University |
Georgian Court University |
Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy |
Gestalt Center of Long Island |
Gestalt Institute of Cleveland |
Gestalt Institute of Tucson |
Glasser Institute for Choice Theory - US |
Glenda E. Isenhour |
Global Alliance for Arts and Health |
Global Institute for Simulation Training |
Globe Institute of Recording and Production |
Golden Gate Univ |
Good Samaritan Society, Univ Specialty Center |
Goodwill Rehab Center |
Gottman Institute, Inc. |
Grace Fellowship International |
Grace Fellowship International |
Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare |
Greater Lowell Mental Health Educational Consortium, Inc. |
Green Mountain at Fox Run |
Greenwood Professional Seminars |
Grief Counseling Center |
Grief Recovery Institute Educational Foundation, Inc. |
Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound |
Grow Deep Counseling, LLC |
GROW Training Institute, Inc. |
Growth Central LLC |
Guided Self Healing Training Institute, Inc. |
Guilford County Sch Sys |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, Inc |
Gurze/Salucore |
Hampton University- Department of Counseling |
Harmony Therapy Group, PLLC |
Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) |
Harrisburg State Hospital |
Hartford Family Institute |
Harvard Community Health Plan |
Harvard Health Publications |
Health America's Behavioral Health Services Department |
Health EDucation Network |
Health Rhythms/Remo |
Health Science Seminars |
Healthcare Management Resources |
HealthForum |
Healthful-Living Center |
HealthLinkRx Institute |
Healthy Minds Group, LLC |
Healthy Sounds |
Heartland Initiative, Inc. |
Helen B. Anderson |
Herbert H. Lehman College |
Hickert Art Therapy |
High Point Regional Health System (HPRHS) |
Higher Octave Healing, Inc |
Higher Practice, LLC |
Highlands Program |
Hobbs Institute for Growth, LLC |
Hochstein School of Music & Dance |
Hofstra Univ |
Holy Family University - Counseling/Psychology Graduate Program |
Home Study Resources |
Hoover Counseling Center |
Hope Hospice (Hope HCS) |
Hopespring Center, Inc. |
Hospice Education Network,Inc. (HEN) |
Hospice of Palm Beach County |
Hospice of Rutherford County |
Hospice of the Western Reserve |
Housecalls Lecture Series |
Houston Group Psychotherapy Society |
Howard Univ |
Human Development Training Programs |
Hunter College--CUNY |
Huntingdon College |
Hurdle Health, Inc. |
Hyalite |
ICARE, Inc. |
i-counseling |
Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence |
Illinois Association for Music Therapy |
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Illinois School of Professional Psychology |
Illinois State Univ |
Imago Relationships International, Inc. |
Immanuel Mental Health Center |
Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) |
Indiana College Counseling Association |
Indiana State Univ |
Indiana Univ |
Indiana Univ, Southeast |
Indiana University of PA, Center for Creativity and Change (CCC) |
Indiana Univ--South Bend |
Indiana-Purdue Univ Fort Wayne |
Infectious Disease Research Institute, Inc. (IDRI Inc.) |
Inflexxion, Inc. |
IN-GLO Christian Counseling & Consulting Services, Inc. |
Innate Path |
InnerWell Integrative Counseling Services |
Inova Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Services (CATS) |
Inquisit |
Insight Consulting and Education |
Insight Counselors |
InspirAction, Inc. |
Institute for Advanced Clinical Training (IACT) |
Institute for Advanced Studies in Counseling & Psychotherapy |
Institute for Advanced Training in Counseling and Psychotherapy |
Institute for Attachment & Child Development |
Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy |
Institute for Family Centered Services, Inc |
Institute for Family Development |
Institute for Health Professionals of Portland |
Institute for Health Solutions |
Institute for Imaginal Studies |
Institute for Integral Development |
Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy |
Institute for Life & Care |
Institute for Life Coach Training (ILCT) |
Institute for Life Enrichment |
Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy (IMP) |
Institute for Music and Neurologic Function |
Institute for Music, Health and Education |
Institute for Professional Learning |
Institute for Quality Education |
Institute For Reconciliation and Peacemaker Traning |
Institute for the Advancement of Human Behavior (IAHB) |
Institute for the Psychological Sciences |
Institute of Addiction Awareness/CEUInstitute.com |
Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences |
Institute of Human Virology AIDS Education & Conference Center |
Institute of Neuro-Semantics® |
Institute of Noetic Sciences |
Institute on Substance Abuse & Addiction Committee, Inc. |
Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma (IVAT) |
Integrated Counseling and Consulting, LLC |
Integrative Counseling Services |
Integrative Well-Being |
Inter American Univ of Puerto Rico |
Interactivecetraining, LLC |
Interamerican Univ of PR |
Interamerican Univ of PR |
Interface Foundation |
Interfaith Counseling Service, Inc. |
Intermountain Associates |
International Association for Counselling |
International Bullying Prevention Association |
International Hypnosis Research Institute, LLC (IHRI) |
International Society for the Study of Dissociation |
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies |
Internatl Clarity Institute |
Internatl Expressive Arts Therapy Assn (IEATA) |
Internatl Transactional Analysis Assn |
Interpersonal Communication Programs, Inc |
Intervention Center |
Intimate Life Ministries |
Intl Inst of Souldrama®/ Spring Lake Hts Counseling Ctr |
Iowa Counseling Assn |
Iowa State Univ |
IPAT, Inc. (Institute for Personality & Ability Testing) |
Isaura Alvarado Cartagena |
Jackson State Univ |
James R. Baugh |
Janette Brown |
Jason A. Seidel, Psy.D P.C. |
Jatawans Certified Master Level Addiction Prof. Educ. Services |
Jef Gazley |
Jefferson Ctr for Mental Health/Internatl Trauma Consultants |
Jefferson Parish Public School System |
Jersey Battered Women's Service, Inc. |
Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County |
Jewish Family Services |
Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) |
Jim Patterson, PhD |
JKM Training, Inc. |
John A. Crocitto |
John C. Corrigan Mental Health Center |
John F Kennedy Univ |
John L. Swanson, Inc. |
John Snow Inc (JSI) |
John Wood Community College |
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Community Psychiatry |
Johnson County Community College (JCCC) |
Joshua Tree |
Journey into Wholeness, Inc. |
Julian M. Ridolphi |
Junior/Community College Student Personnel Assn. of Texas |
JustCare/TN Voices for Children |
Kakehashi Music Therapy Connection Group |
Kalani Music |
Kaleidoscope Behavioral Health (KBH) |
Kanawha County Schools |
Kansas City Metro Music Therapists |
Kansas State Univ |
Kansas State University - Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs |
Kardon Institute for Arts Therapy |
Karen Ann Quinlan Memorial Foundation |
Kathleen Ritter and Anthony Terndrup |
Katie K. May |
Keith Miller Counseling, LLC |
Kenneth P. Gaughan |
Kent State University |
Key Bridge Therapy and Mediation Center |
Kids Incorporated |
KidsPeace National Ctrs for Kids Overcoming Crisis |
Kinections |
Koumidou Center |
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health |
KVC Behavioral Healthcare |
Lake Health |
Lakeland Behavioral Health System |
Lamar University - Department of Counseling & Special Populations |
Lancaster Bible College |
Lanterman Developmental Center |
Las Cruces Sch District No 2 |
LaSalle Univ |
Laurel Oaks Behavioral Health Center |
Law and Counseling Office of Joseph Shaub- Terminated- Assigned new ACEP #6729 |
LDS Social Services |
Leadership Performance Systems, Inc./Qualifying.org |
Leadership Seminars |
LeafWing for Professionals |
Learning Space (TLS) |
Lee County Coalition for a Drug Free SW Florida |
Legacy Changers Training Institute for Mental Health Equity and Justice |
Lehigh Univ |
Lenington Educational Seminars |
Leonore M. Foehrenbach |
Lesley University - Division of Counseling & Psychology |
Lesley University, Expressive Therapies Division, Field Training Office |
Leticia Nieto, Psy.D. |
Lewis & Clark College |
Licensed Professional Counselors Association of Georgia (LPCA-GA) |
Life Prep Counseling |
Life Purpose Institute |
Life Strategies Counseling, Inc. |
LifeAlign |
Life-Enhancers, Inc. |
LifeQuest Christian Counseling Services, Inc. |
LifeQuest Institute, Inc. |
Lifespan Learning Institute |
Lifestance Health, Inc.- Massachusetts |
Lifetime Wellness, Ltd. |
Lighthouse Education, Inc. |
Lima Associates, Inc. |
Lincoln Univ |
Lindenview Regional Behavioral Center |
Link Learning Center, LLC |
Little Hands Family Services LLC |
Living Hope Texarkana |
Long Island University - Post - Department of Counseling & Development |
Lorman Business Center, Inc. |
Lotus Counseling of Connecticut |
Louise Dimiceli-Mitran |
Louise M. Aldrich |
Louisiana Assn for Marriage & Family Therapy (LAMFT) |
Louisiana Dept of Education |
Louisiana State University in Shreveport - Division of Continuing Education |
Louisiana State University, Counselor Education |
Louisiana Tech University |
Louisiana Tech University Counseling Programs (within the Dept of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences) |
Love and Logic Institute, Inc. |
Loyola University - Chicago |
Loyola University - Pastoral Counseling Department |
Lutheran Community Services Northwest |
Lynchburg College |
Lynn Damiano |
M.E.T.A., LLC |
Maine Mental Health Counselor Association |
Malone College |
Managed Health Care Administration (MHCA) |
Manhattan College |
Mankato State Univ |
Marc Janoson |
Marco Products, Inc. |
MARI® Creative Resources Center |
Mariel Pastor |
Marina Williams, LMHC |
Marine Corps Comm. Svcs., Coun. & Adv. Program |
Marion County Sch District |
Marital and Sexual Therapy Institute |
Marquette Univ |
Marriage & Family Health Center |
Marshall Univ |
Marshall University Graduate College |
Martha S. Adams |
Marworth Treatment Ctr |
Maryland Art Therapy Association |
Maryland Music Therapists' Collective |
Maryland State Dept of Education |
Marylhurst Univ., Graduate Studies in Art Therapy Counseling |
Maryville University Music Therapy Program |
Marywood University |
Maslar & Hester Learning Institute |
Massachusetts Counseling Assn |
Massachusetts Mental Health Counseling Association (MAMHCA) |
Massachusetts Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
Mayfield Counseling Centers |
MBCH Professional Development Institute |
McCallum Place Eating Disorder Centers |
McCormick Family Life Institute |
McGinnis & Reid Associates |
McHenry County College |
McKissock 100% Education |
McLean Counseling Group |
McLean County Center for Human Services |
McLeod Addictive Disease Center |
McNeese State Univ |
Mediation Center, World Wide, Inc. |
Medical Advocacy and Outreach |
Medical Education Collaborative (MEC) |
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr |
Mennonite Mutual Aid |
Mensana Publications, LLC |
Mental Dynamics Institute, Inc. |
Mental Health Center of Denver |
Mental Health Classes, LLC |
Mental Health Matters, LLC |
Mental Notes: Practice Applications for Today |
Mentally STRONG |
MentorCoach |
Merakey Behavioral Health ACT/FACT Services Line |
Mercer Trainings |
Merit Behavioral Care Corp. |
Meritus Medical Center |
Message Company |
Metropolitan State Hospital |
Michele Weiner-Davis Training Corp. |
Michigan Career Development Association (Mich-CDA) |
Michigan Music Therapists |
Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI) |
Michigan School Counselor Association (MSCA) |
Michigan State University |
Mid America Nazarene University - Counselor Ed Dept |
Mid Atlantic Network of Youth and Fam Svcs |
Mid-Atlantic Addiction Research and Training Institute (MARTI) |
Mid-Atlantic Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-Atlantic ATTC) |
Mid-Atlantic Educational Institute |
Mid-Atlantic Training Institute, Inc. |
Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Assn (MACCA) |
Mid-Florida Ctr. for MH & Substance Abuse Svcs., Inc. |
Midlands Technical College |
Mid-Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis |
Mid-South Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming |
Midwest Assn for Professional Education |
Midwest Counseling Center |
Midwestern Regional Branch Assembly |
Midwestern State Univ |
Mile High Institute |
Millersville Univ of PA |
MindBody Therapies |
Minnesota Counseling Association |
Minnesota Institute for Professional Development |
Minnesota State University - Moorhead |
Missio Seminary |
Mississippi Psychological Assn |
Missouri Counseling Association (ACAM) |
Mobile Licensed Professional Counselors Association (MLPCA) |
Molloy College |
Montana Counseling Assn |
Montana State Univ |
Montana State Univ - Billings |
Montclair State Univ |
Montgomery County Behavioral Health |
Montgomery County Comm for Women |
Montgomery County Public Sch |
Moonshadow Learning Services, Inc. |
Moravian Theological Seminary |
Morehead State Univ |
Morehead State University |
Mulberry Center |
Multicultural Counseling and Consulting Center |
Multicultural Family Institute |
Multnomah University Counseling Department |
Munson Medical Center/Thomas Judd Care Center |
Murray State Univ |
Music Medicine Institute |
Music Psychotherapy Center of New York |
Music Therapy Assn of Northridge |
Music Therapy Association of Minnesota |
Music Therapy Association of Washington |
Music Therapy Connections |
Music Therapy-Based Certificate Training Program in Performance Wellness |
Music Together, LLC |
Music Works Publications |
Musicians' Wellness, Inc. |
MusicTherapyGuitar.com |
MusicWorx, Inc |
Mytherapynet.com |
NAMT - Wisconsin |
Nancy E Lubow |
Nancy Newport, LPC, LMFT, PC |
Naropa University - School of Extended Studies |
Naropa University, Somatic Counseling Psychology Department |
Nashville CARES |
National Academic Advising Assn (NACADA) |
National Academy of Clinical Hypnosis |
National Assn for Continuing Education, Inc. (NACE) |
National Assn for Law Placement |
National Assn for Music Therapy, Inc. |
National Assn for Self-Esteem |
National Assn for Women in Education |
National Assn of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists (NACBT) |
National Assn of Social Workers, Massachusetts Chapter |
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) |
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) |
National Association Therapeutic Schools and Programs |
National Beta Clubs |
National Business Institute (NBI), Inc., (Otter Creek Institute), (McQuillan Education) |
National Center for Child Traumatic Stress |
National Center for Death Education at Mount Ida College |
National Center for Victims of Crime |
National Emergency Responder and Public Safety Center |
National Employment Counselors Assn (NECA) |
National Fibromyalgia Assn |
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) |
National Marriage Seminars of America |
National Multicultural Institute |
National Rehab Counseling Assn |
National Rehabilitation Services |
National Wellness Institute, Inc |
Natural Processing Trainings |
NBCC International |
NC State Dept of Public Instruction |
NCS Assessments |
Nebraska Counseling Association (NCA) |
Nebraska Society of Adlerian Psychology |
Net Education Center |
NET, Inc. |
NetStudyCEU |
Networking, Inc. |
Nevada Couns & Guidance Personnel Assn |
New Age Publishing, Inc. |
New Century Seminars |
New England Center for Loss and Transition |
New England Consultants in Ministry, Inc. |
New England Educational Institute, Inc (NEEI) |
New England Forensic Associates |
New England School Counseling Practitioner Inst. |
New Hampshire Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, LLC |
New Hampshire Counseling Assn |
New Hanover County Schools |
New Jersey Assn of Mental Hlth & Addiction Agencies Inc |
New Jersey Association of Women Therapists |
New Jersey Community College Counselors' Association |
New Jersey School Counselor Association, Inc. (NJSCA) |
New Mexico Highlands Univ |
New Mexico State Univ |
New Mexico State University- Counseling and Educational Psychology Department |
New Mexico Suicide Intervention Project, Inc. |
New Perspectives of Indiana, Inc. |
New Vision Youth and Family Services, Inc. Training Inst |
New York Counseling Assn |
New York Creative Arts Therapists |
New York Institute for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (NYICBT) |
New York Open Center |
New York Univ |
New York University Graduate Art Therapy Program |
Niagara Univ |
Niagara University Professional Studies |
Nicoletta C. Betts |
Nine Types One World |
NLP Comprehensive |
Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy |
North American Training Institute |
North Atlantic Regional Branch Assembly |
North Carolina Assn for Death Education & Counseling |
North Carolina Assn for Play Therapy (NCAPT) |
North Carolina Assn for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers |
North Carolina Central Univ |
North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) |
North Carolina Council of Community Programs |
North Carolina Family-Based Services Assn |
North Dakota Counseling Association |
North Dakota State University, Distance & Continuing Education |
North Shore Community College |
Northamerican Assn of Masters in Psychology |
Northeast Delta Human Service Authority |
Northeast Missouri State Univ |
Northeastern Illinois Univ |
Northeastern State Univ |
Northeastern University, Counseling & Applied Educational Psych |
Northern Arizona Univ |
Northern California Art Therapy Association (NorCATA) |
Northern State College |
Northshore Zen LLC |
Northwest Missouri State Univ |
Northwest Pastoral Counseling |
Northwest Sound Investments, INC |
Northwestern Institute |
Northwestern Oklahoma State Univ |
Northwestern State University - College of Education |
Northwestern Univ |
Northwood Health Systems, Inc. |
Notes by Amy |
Notre Dame College |
Novant Health - Forsyth Behavioral Health |
Nsight Psychology & Addiction |
Nurturing the Heart with the Brain in Mind |
NW Counseling Training Connections, LLC |
NWA Therapy |
Nyack College-Alliance Graduate School of Counseling |
Oakland Schools |
Oakton Comm. Coll. Alliance for Lifelong Learning |
Oasis Center for Human Potential |
Oasis: A Women's Counseling Center |
Odyssey Training Center |
Office of Developmental Programs, DHS |
Ohio Counseling Association |
Ohio Deafness and Rehabilitation Assn |
Oklahoma Counseling Assn |
Oklahoma Dept of Career Tech/Guidance |
Oklahoma State Univ |
Omar Programs for Counseling & Life Management (OPCLM) |
Omega Institute for Holistic Studies |
Omni Community Health |
Onsite |
Open Ear Center |
Open International Univ |
Openway |
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities |
Optimum Performance Institute |
OptumHealth™ by United Behavioral Health |
Orchard Park |
Oregon Association for Music Therapy |
Oregon Mental Health Counselor Assn |
Organic CEUs |
Organizational Resources |
Otis R. Bowen Center for Human Svcs., Inc. |
Ottawa University - Phoenix |
Otto Kroeger Associates |
Our Lady of the Lake Univ |
Outreach Teen and Family Services |
Ozark Guidance |
PA Assn of Colleges & Employers (PennACE) |
PACE Seminars |
Pacific Family Mediation Institute |
Pacific Gateway Hospital |
Pacific Lutheran Univ |
Pacific University College of Arts & Sciences |
Pacifica Graduate Institute |
Painting from the Source Workshops and Seminars |
PAIRS International |
Palm Beach Atlantic College |
Pamela Hayes, ATR-BC, MFT |
Park Street Counseling |
Partial Hospital Institute Workshops |
Partners |
Pasadena Child Development Associates Inc |
Passage Transformation |
Pat Love and Associates |
Patricia A Sartini, Inc |
PCBADCG (Prof Cert Bd of Alcohol/Drug Counselors-Germany) |
Penn State University - Dept of Counselor Ed, Psych & Rehab Svcs |
Pennsylvania CASSP Training & Technical Assistance Institute |
Pennsylvania Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy |
Pennsylvania Psychological Association |
Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Counseling Department |
Performance Resource Press |
Persad Center, Inc |
Personal Dynamics |
PersonCentered Care Services |
Perspectives Behavioral Health Management |
PESI, Inc. |
Philadelphia Child and Family Therapy Training Center, Inc. |
Philhaven Behavioral Healthcare Services |
Philippine Guidance & Personnel Assn |
Phoenix Counseling Center |
Phoenix Houses of New York and Long Island |
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Training Center |
Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources |
Pine Grove Recovery Center |
Pittsburg State Univ |
Pittsburgh Action Against Rape |
Pittsburgh Mercy Behavioral Health |
Planned Parenthood of North Texas (PPNT) |
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England |
Plattsburgh State University of New York (SUNY) - Counselor Education Department |
Play Therapy International |
Play Therapy International |
Point-to-Point Learning, Inc. |
Portland State University - Counselor Education Department |
Potomac Art Therapy Association (PATA) |
Practical CE Seminars |
Prairie View A&M Univ |
Prairie View Inc |
Premier Educational Programs |
Presbyterian Medical Center of Philadelphia |
Prescott College |
Prescribing Psychologists' Register, Inc. (PPR) |
Pressley Ridge Schools at Laurel Park |
Prince George's County Dept Family Srvcs |
Prison Mindfulness Institute |
Private Practice Success |
Pro Star CE, Inc. |
Process Work Institute |
Prof. Ed. Opportunities for the Human Services (PEOHS) |
Professional CEU.COM |
Professional Continuing Education Corporation |
Professional Development Specialists, Inc. |
Professional Learning Network |
Professional Resource Exchange, Inc. |
Professional Training Associates |
Professional Training Institute (PTI) |
Professional Training Resources, Inc. (PTRI) |
Program of Religion/Spirituality and Mental Health |
Providence Health Systems |
Providence Hospital |
PSI Services, Inc./PSI e-College |
Psy Broadcasting Corporation |
Psycamore, LLC |
Psychiatric Center of Albuquerque |
PsychoEducational Resources (PER) |
Psycho-Legal Associates |
Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc (PAR) |
Psychological Services |
Psychological Services Institute (PSI), Fordham Univ. |
Psychological Services of Oklahoma |
Psychology Works |
Psychotherapy Networker |
PsyCoun Consultants, LLC |
Public Information Resources, Inc. (PIRI) |
Puerto Rico Occupational Information |
Puppet Therapy Institute |
Purdue Univ |
Purdue Univ Calumet |
QA Prep |
Queens College--CUNY |
R. Cassidy Seminars |
Radford Univ |
Raja Selvam |
Rancho Bosque |
Randi J. Jensen |
RAPT Foundation, Inc. |
RAPT Foundation, Inc. |
Reach Educational Seminars |
Ready Minds/VOPX |
Rebound Behavioral Health |
Red Oak Recovery |
Reflective Agreement Institute |
Regent University, Professional and Continuing Education Division |
Regional Psychiatric Services of NEA |
Rehab Seminars |
Relational Life Institute |
Remuda Ranch Center for Anorexia & Bulimia, Inc. |
Renaissance Center |
Renaissance Professional Development Institute |
RENEW: Center for Personal Recovery, Inc. |
Research and Curriculum Unit (RCU) Mississippi State University |
Resource Networks Inc |
Responsive Management Systems® |
Retirement Options |
Rhea Jacobson Management |
Rhode Island Assn for the Advancement of Modern Psychoanalysis |
Rhode Island College |
Rhode Island Council on Problem Gambling |
Rhode Island/Massachusetts Counseling Assn (RIMA-CA) |
Richard D. Mathis |
River Oaks Hospital |
River Region Psychiatry |
Riverbend Youth Center, Inc. |
Rivermend Health, LLC |
Rivers Edge Institute |
Riverside Center |
Rivier College |
Rkids |
RO & DBT Training Partners, LLC |
Robert Douglas and Associates |
Robertson Wellness |
Robin Edwards, PhD, MT-BC |
Rockstar Practice |
Rollins College |
Roman Music Therapy Services, LLC |
Ron Klein and Associates, Inc. dba American Hypnosis Training Academy |
Roosevelt University - College of Education |
Rosalynn Carter Institute for Human Development |
Rose Institute Life Enhancement Center |
Rosen Grandon Associates, Inc. |
Rowan University - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program |
Rowan University Counseling in Educational Settings Prog |
Rural Health Training Center (RHTC) at SUNY Canton |
Rutgers University |
S. Allen Wilcoxon |
S.A.F.E. Alternatives® |
Safe Alliance |
Sage Colleges |
Sage Healing Institute |
Sage Institute |
Sage Institute for Family Development |
SageSource Learning Center |
Salem State College |
Sally Bowden-Schaible / Mind Meets Body Institute |
Samaritan Counseling Center |
SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention |
San Diego State Univ |
San Francisco State Univ |
San Jacinto College North |
San Jose State Univ |
Santa Clara University |
Sarsen Publishing Continuing Education |
Satir Institute of SE, Inc |
School for Dispute Resolution |
School Study of Council of Ohio |
Scott Hinkle |
SE Institute for Music-Centered Psychotherapy |
Seacoast Expressive Arts, LLC |
SEAOPP - Southeastern Assn of Special Programs Personnel |
Seaside Consulting and Sailing Company |
Seaside Gestalt Institute, LLC |
Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care |
Seattle Pacific Univ |
Seattle Therapy Center |
Seattle Univ |
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute |
Serene Center Inc |
Services for Families First |
Sesh |
Seton Hall University Counseling Programs (in the Dept of Professional Psychology and Family Therapy) |
Seton Hill University |
Sexual Assault Center |
Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response |
Sexuality Training Institute |
Sheridan Patterson Center for Holistic Family, Inc. |
Sidran Traumatic Stress Foundation |
Siena Heights University |
Simmons School of Social Work |
Simply Said Seminars, Inc. |
Sims Consulting and Clinical Services, Inc. |
Sinclair Seminars |
Sioux Falls Sch District 49-5 |
Sisters of Charity--St. Patrick Hospital |
Smile TI, LLC |
Smith Farm (Smith Center for Healing and the Arts) |
Smoky Mountain Center |
Social Outreach and Renewal |
Solution Focused Living Center |
Solutions Training Institute of Quinco |
Somatic Experiencing™ International |
Somatic Institute |
Sonoma State Univ |
Sound Birthing |
Sound Birthing |
Sound Health Music |
Sound Health Music |
Sounding Joy Music Therapy |
South Carolina Association of Licensed Professional Counselors |
South Carolina Society of Adlerian Psychology |
South Central Institite for Neuro-Linguistic Programming |
South Central Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association |
South Florida Music Therapy Network |
South Strand Counseling & Consulting Svcs |
South University - Counseling and Psychology |
Southeast Alabama Medical Center |
Southeast Institute for Group & Family Therapy |
Southeast Institute for Group and Family Therapy |
Southeast Missouri State Univ |
Southeastern Oklahoma State University - Career Management Center |
Southern Arkansas Univ |
Southern Assn for College Student Affairs |
Southern California Society for Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis |
Southern Christian University |
Southern Connecticut State University - Department of Counseling and School Psychology |
Southern Illinois Univ |
Southern Illinois Univ |
Southern Institute of NLP |
Southern Methodist Univ |
Southern Regional Branch Assembly |
Southern Univ |
SouthLight Health Care |
Southwest Assn of Student Assistance Programs (SWASAP) |
Southwest Counseling and Human Development Services |
Southwest Prevention Center--Univ. of Oklahoma |
Southwest Regional Behavioral Health Conference |
Southwestern Community College |
Southwestern Oklahoma State Univ |
Sovereign Health Group |
Spalding Univ |
Spaulding for Children |
Specialized Training Services, Inc. |
Spirit Open Equestrian Program, Inc. |
Spiritual Care Services, LLC |
Spokane Mental Health |
Springfield College |
Springhill Memorial Hospital |
St. Anthony's Point, Inc. |
St. Bonaventure Univ |
St. Cloud State Univ |
St. Dominic-Jackson Memorial Hospital |
St. Frances Cabrini Hospital, Clinical Education Dept |
St. Francis College |
St. John's Mercy Medical Center |
St. John's Univ |
St. Joseph College |
St. Lawrence Univ |
St. Louis Univ |
St. Martin's College & Seminary |
St. Vincent's Hospital |
Starbright Training Inst for Child & Family Play Therapy |
State Univ of New York at Oneonta |
State Univ of New York at Oswego |
State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz |
State University of New York (SUNY) Fredonia School of Music |
State University of New York at New Paltz |
Stella |
Stephen F. Austin State Univ |
Steven R. Vazquez/Lightwork Associates |
Stevens Center |
Stillpoint Institute |
Stonebridge Seminars |
Storywork Institute |
Stress Solutions, Inc. |
Study Credit |
Success Motivation |
Suffolk Univ |
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) Training Institute, Education Development Center Inc |
Summit Music Therapy Services |
Summit Professional Education |
Summit Ridge |
Susan Hall Seminars |
Susan M. Vandenberg |
SUWS of the Carolinas |
Suzanne Connolly Workshops |
Synapse |
Syracuse University |
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare--Florida State Univ |
Tarleton State Univ |
Tarrant County College |
Taylor Manor Hospital |
Telling Point Music |
Temple Univ |
Tempo! Music Therapy Services |
Tender Hearts Child Therapy Center |
Tennessee Dept of Education |
Tennessee State Univ |
Tennessee Tech University- Counseling and Psychology Dept. |
Texarkana College |
Texas A&M Commerce |
Texas A&M Univ |
Texas A&M Univ |
Texas A&M University- Public Partnership and Outreach |
Texas Christian Univ |
Texas Education Agency |
Texas Tech University |
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC-health.edu) |
Texas Woman's Univ |
TGC Learning Center |
The Affiliated Sante Group |
The Asheville Jung Center |
The Association for Music & Imagery |
The Blanchard Institute |
The Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care |
The Center for Clinical Training |
The Center for Discovery |
The Center for Psyche & the Arts, LLC |
The College at Brockport - SUNY, Department of Counselor Education |
The Counselors' Institute |
The Creative Clinician |
The Ctr for the Professional Dev & Cont Ed for Counselors |
The Daring Way, LLC |
The Forging Place, Inc. |
The Haden Institute |
The Innovative Way LLC: Creative Solutions for Helping Professionals |
The LaJolla Program--A Project of the Ctr. For Studies of the Person |
The Life Space Crisis Intervention Institute |
The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine |
The Meadows |
The Menninger Clinic |
The Mental Health Advisor/Allay CE |
The Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute |
The Monroe Institute |
The Music Settlement |
The New England Art Therapy Association |
The O.K. Corral Series |
The Ranch |
The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake |
The Recovery Village Columbus |
The Recovery Village Ridgefield |
The Refuge-A Healing Place |
The Reology Institute |
The Restorative Wellness Research Collective |
The Robert F. Unkefer Academy for Neurologic Music Therapy |
The Rosewood Institute |
The ScreamFree Institute |
The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Inc. |
The Solution Focused Universe |
The University of West Alabama - School Counseling Program |
The Upside Down Organization |
The Women's Center |
ThedaCare Behavioral Health |
Therapeutic Arts Psychotherapy |
Therapeutic Perspective |
Therapist Consultants |
Therapist Learning Center, LLC |
Therapon Institute, Inc. |
TherapyNotes, LLC |
ThinkCEU, Corp. |
Thomas H. Hohenshil |
Thomas Hospital |
Thompson Child & Family Focus |
Three Oaks Behavioral Health and Wellness |
Ti-In Network |
Tinsley Institute for Human Services |
Tipp Professional Services |
Topeka Public Sch/Unified Sch |
Touch of Music |
Towson Univ |
Training & eTracking Solutions, LLC |
Training Resources Associates, Inc. |
Transformation Meditation |
Transformation Mental Health |
Trauma Education Essentials |
Trauma Resource Institute |
Trauma Solution (DARe) |
Trauma-Informed Training Group |
Treating Abuse Today Newsjournal/Training |
Treeside Institute for Clinical Advancement |
Tressler Lutheran Services |
Triad Group |
Trichotillomania Learning Center |
Trinity College |
Troy University Global Campus- Counseling and Rehabilitation Department |
Troy University--Florida Region |
Troy University--Montgomery |
Troy Univ-Southeast Region, Pensacola Campus |
True Nature Mountain Institute |
Truman State Univ |
Tucker Educational Group, Inc. |
Tucson Institute for the Advancement of Counseling and Psychotherapy, PLLC |
Turning Point Continuing Ed. Services |
Tuskegee Univ |
TypeFocus Internet, Inc. |
UAMS-AHEC South Arkansas |
Unisun Training Seminars |
Univ of Akron |
Univ of Alabama--Huntsville |
Univ of Alaska |
Univ of Alaska - Anchorage Dept of Counseling & Spec Ed |
Univ of Arizona |
Univ of Arizona Foundation for the Benefit of Extended University |
Univ of Arkansas |
Univ of Bridgeport |
Univ of Buffalo |
Univ of Calif. @ San Diego, Extended Studies & Pub. Programs |
Univ of California |
Univ of Central Florida |
Univ of Central Texas |
Univ of Colorado at Boulder |
Univ of Connecticut Med School, Dept of Psychiatry |
Univ of Delaware |
Univ of Detroit/Mercy |
Univ of District of Columbia |
Univ of Evanston |
Univ of Florida, College of Education |
Univ of Georgia |
Univ of Hawaii |
Univ of Houston |
Univ of Idaho |
Univ of Illinois at Springfield |
Univ of Kentucky |
Univ of Louisville |
Univ of Maryland |
Univ of Massachusetts |
Univ of Miami |
Univ of Minnesota |
Univ of Minnesota |
Univ of Mississippi |
Univ of Missouri |
Univ of Missouri--Columbia |
Univ of Missouri-Kansas City |
Univ of Montana |
Univ of Nebraska at Kearney Counseling & School Psychology |
Univ of Nebraska at Omaha |
Univ of Nevada |
Univ of New England, Certificate Programs |
Univ of New Mexico, Cont. Med. Education |
Univ of North Dakota |
Univ of North Florida |
Univ of Northern Iowa |
Univ of Oklahoma |
Univ of Oregon |
Univ of Pennsylvania |
Univ of Pennsylvania |
Univ of Pennsylvania |
Univ of Pittsburgh |
Univ of Puerto Rico/Rio Piedras Campus |
Univ of Puget Sound |
Univ of Rhode Island |
Univ of Rochester Medical Center |
Univ of San Francisco, Ignatian Hgts. |
Univ of South Carolina |
Univ of South Carolina |
Univ of South Dakota |
Univ of South Florida |
Univ of Southern California |
Univ of Southern Mississippi |
Univ of Southwestern Louisiana |
Univ of St. Francis |
Univ of Tennessee (UTC) |
Univ of Texas - Pan American |
Univ of Texas at Austin |
Univ of Texas at El Paso |
Univ of Texas El Paso |
Univ of the Pacific |
Univ of Toledo |
Univ of Tulsa |
Univ of Washington |
Univ of West Florida |
Univ of Wisconsin |
Univ of Wisconsin |
Univ of Wisconsin |
Univ of Wisconsin (Whitewater) |
Univ of Wyoming |
University of Alabama - Birmingham Substance Abuse Programs |
University of Alabama, College of Continuing Studies |
University of Alaska |
University of British Columbia |
University of Central Missouri |
University of Colorado at Denver - Continuing & Professional Education |
University of Denver- Graduate School of Social Work's Center for Effective Interventions |
University of Evansville, Music Department |
University of Georgia- Counseling and Human Development Services |
University of Maine - Counselor Education |
University of Massachusetts Medical School |
University of Nevada - Las Vegas (UNLV) |
University of New Hampshire - Department of Education |
University of New Mexico Hospitals |
University of New Mexico, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health, Division of Community Behavioral Health (CBH) |
University of North Texas at Dallas |
University of Northern Colorado |
University of Phoenix - Albuquerque, Master of Science in Counseling Program |
University of Phoenix - Bay Area Campus |
University of Phoenix - Colorado Campus- College of Social Sciences |
University of Phoenix - Detroit Campus, College of Social Science |
University of Phoenix - Las Vegas, MS in Counseling Programs |
University of Phoenix - Northern Nevada Campus |
University of Phoenix - Phoenix |
University of Phoenix - Santa Teresa Learning Ctr |
University of Phoenix - Southern Arizona Campus, College of Social Sciences |
University of Phoenix - Utah Campus, Counseling Department |
University of Rochester - Department of Counseling & Human Development |
University of San Diego - Counseling Program |
University of Santa Monica |
University of South Alabama - Department of Counseling and Instructional Science |
University of Southern Maine - Counselor Education Program |
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Graduate Studies Division of Counseling Program |
University of Texas |
University of the District of Columbia, Dept of Psychology, Counseling & Human Development |
University of the Net.com |
University of Vermont, Graduate Counseling Program |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
University of Wisconsin-Madison- Continuing Studies |
UPMC Altoona Behavioral Health Services |
Upper Bay Counseling & Support Services, Inc. |
US Military Entrance Proc Station (USMEPCOM) |
USA Transactional Analysis Assn (USATAA) |
Utah Mental Health Counselors Association |
Utah State University |
Valdosta State College |
Valencia Community College |
Valley Counseling Svcs, Inc |
Vast Horizons Center for Personal Growth |
Vendome Group, LLC |
Veritas Collaborative |
Vermont Mental Health Counseling Assn |
Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy |
Villa Julie College |
Village Music Circles |
Villanova Univ |
Virginia (Gina) Campbell |
Virginia Association of Clinical Counselors (VACC) |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Virtual Center of Excellence (VCE) |
Vision Quest into Symbolic Reality |
Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services |
Vital Sources Psychological Services |
Voices In Action, Inc. |
Wake County Human Services |
Walden Behavioral Care |
Walla Walla Community College |
Wallace Community College |
Walsh Univ |
Walton-Brueske Counseling Group |
Washington Counseling Association |
Washington Pastoral Counseling Association (WPCA) |
Washington School of Psychiatry |
Washington State Association for Play Therap |
Washington State University |
Water & Stone, A Creative Arts Therapy PLLC |
Wayne E. Oates Institute |
Wayne State College |
Wayne State Univ |
We Are Mosaics LLC |
Webster Univ |
Wellman Therapy Services Inc |
Wellmont Health System |
Wellness Institute, Inc. |
Wellness Plus |
Wellspring |
West Central Family and Counseling |
West Chester University of Pennsylvania - Department of Counselor Education |
West Texas A&M Univ |
West Virginia Assn of Student Pers Admin |
Western Colorado Area Health |
Western Maryland College |
Western Maryland Health System |
Western Massachusetts and Albany Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology (WMAAPP) |
Western Regional Branch Assembly |
Western Schools |
Western State College of Colorado |
Western Washington Univ |
Westmoreland Regional Hospital |
Why Try LLC |
Wichita State Univ |
William Carey College |
William F. Cornell |
William Paterson Univ |
William Symes, M.Div. LPC |
William Wendt Center for Loss & Healing |
Williamette Univ |
Williams Counseling Services of Shreveport |
Wilson's Training and Consulting Services Inc |
Winchester Community Mental Health Center, Inc. |
Winn Army Community Hospital |
Winnebago Mental Health Institute |
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools |
Winthrop University - Counseling Leadership & Educational Studies |
Wisconsin School Counselor Association (WSCA) |
Wisdom Associates |
Wise Heart Leadership Initiative (WHLI) |
WorkLife Media |
Worley's ID Profile, Inc. |
Worthington Center, Inc. |
Wounded Heart Ministries |
Wright State University |
Xavier University, Dept of School & Community Counseling |
YKHC Behavioral Health--Education and Training Dept. |
Youngstown State University, Dept of Counseling |
Your Choice to Live, Inc. |
Youth Education and Social Services |
Youth Services Consortium |
Youth Villages |
Youth Villages Inc. |
Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation |
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